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'Pickpocket' Rescues Man 'He Just Robbed' From Train Tracks

This extraordinary footage shows a Paris pickpocket rescuing a man he had allegedly robbed from the tracks of the Paris Metro - while other bystanders appear to look on without helping.

The thief has been hailed as an unlikely hero after video of the incident has gone viral online.
The footage, taken from security cameras on the Paris Metro, shows a pickpocket allegedly robbing an apparently drunken man at a station early in the morning.

Moments later a separate bystander watches as the thief's victim stands up and slowly staggers towards the tracks before falling onto them.
The bystander then slowly turns on his feet and walks casually away, not appearing to react.
Soon after, a train rolls into the station, stopping just in time to avoid hitting the fallen man.
In the next strange twist, the thief comes running back from the other end of the platform to pull the man to safety on the platform.
French police officer Emmanuelle Oster pointed out the 'paradox' as she hailed the pickpocket for acting as a "good Samaritan".
"Inside every thief there’s a human being, and in every innocent bystander there could be a bastard,” reported The Local.


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